Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birds Hatching

Birds Nest Still Made Of Mostly Mud
Birds Nest With More Dried Grass On It
Birds Nest With 3 Eggs

Birds Nest With 4 Eggs In It
3 Birds Hatched

4 birds hatched
For the past two weeks my brother and I have been watching a robin build its nest. Only a couple of days after the nest was completed there were three eggs in it and the next day there were four. A little more than a week later three of the eggs hatched. The egg that was laid last hatched last. Now the birds are about 5 days old and growing feathers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bird Haiku

Wood Duck
Wood Ducks

Cat Looking for birds in trees.
Hidden in a tree
Sits a bird so colorful
Chirping a sweet song

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cats And Kitties

Junior Again
Scaredy Cat
Bailey's Kittens
Kittens Again
On the farm where we live there is a barn where the landlord's daughters take care of feral cats.