Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yea, It's Earth Day!

Here are some things that the Earth provides us.
A Place To Live

A Place To Live

Beauty To See

Apple Blossoms (Food To Eat)

Apple Blossoms (Food To Eat)

Air to Breathe
Water To Drink

Friday, April 17, 2009

Feathery Friday

Chicken In Hand
Bucket 'o' Chicken


Downy Woodpecker

American Robin

Turkey Vulture In Flight

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Terrific Tuesday

Wild Bunny Blue Eyed Goat

Donkeys Eavesdropping On My Land Lord

Brown and White Miniature Horse
Brown Baby Goat

About a year ago, I was walking outside with my family when Mom said "Look!" We all wondered what it was and found that it was a wild baby rabbit, about the size of my thumb. We tried to catch it, and in its panic it jumped into my shoelace. It got caught there and we had to carefully pull it out. We didn't see the mama rabbit anywhere. We did see fur on the ground and Thomas, the cat, near by, so we put it in a box with grass and hay inside. Then we stopped by the house of a Mennonite family down the road who raised Rabbits. We asked them to take care of it for us and they kept him in a cage with a mother rabbit for three days until it ran away. Sadly we didn't have time to take any pictures of the rabbit, but my family and I will probably never forget it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Koi Mania

White Koi
Black and Orange Koi
White and Orange Koi. It swam right into a reflection.
Yellow Koi

Koi On the Wall

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dream Scapes Water Garden

Potbellied Pig

Posing Potbellied Pig

Bucking Bronco Bench

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny Again

Small Waterfall Fountain

Black And Orange Koi

When the potbellied pig in the first picture realized that I was taking pictures of him, he posed for the next one. All of these pictures were taken at DreamScapes Watergardens. You can find a link to their site on our side bar.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beautiful Bugs

Green Butterfly


Box Elder Bug

Wolf Spider

Royal Moth

Monday, April 6, 2009

Joe Gillingham's Farm

These are all pictures from Joe Gillingham's Farm. He also has beautiful peacocks but my pictures didn't turn out. Mr. Gillingham doesn't have email, but if you would like to buy any of his animals you can contact him at: Joe Gillingham, 997 Prescott Dr., Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 865-3407.

Ducks and Geese at the Park

Two Geese
Two Ducks

Three Ducks

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beautiful Sunny Sunday

Miniature Steer

Mama and Baby Sheep

Blue Bird

Miniature Horses